Neopets Wiki

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Hissis (HISS-ee) are snake-like Neopets that have a pair wing-like appendages that function as hands. These pets have very sharp senses, making them hide and seek experts.

Hissis are 44cm (1.44ft) on average, making them one of the smaller Neopets.[1]

The Hissi is limited edition, meaning it can only be created on its special pet day, earned from a Magical Plushie, Morphing/Mysterious Swirly/Transmogrification Potion, the Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway, Species Change Premium perk, or Lab Ray.

Site description: "Thanks to their phenomenal vision and keen sense of smell, Hissis are masters of hide and seek. Known storytellers, Hissis are notoriously prone to exaggeration, so take everything they say with a grain of salt: these serpentine Neopets don't hissi'tate to spin tales of danger and excitement!"[2]

Available Colours[]

Below are all possible colours for Hissis. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

8-BitHissi Baby Hissi 4 (18)
8-Bit Baby Blue

Available Styles[]

Hissi darigan baby
Hissi faerie baby
Hissi maraquan baby
Darigan Faerie Maraquan

Previous Versions[]

Originally, the Hissi's appendages were more wing-like, but became more hand-like with conversion.[3]

Hissi old

Famous Hissis[]


All Neopet species
Classic Hissi info

Neopia is inhabited by numerous and fascinating species of Neopets. Visit the Category of Neopets for a full list.